Zero-rated multimedia content delivery platform for Africa

Deliver Free Pass|

Zero Rate by FreePass platform is engineered to power on-demand and real-time crystal clear video, audio contents for underserved and underprivileged Africans.

Video and Audio content for
PAN-African access.

Data Free access to multimedia content for africans

Zero Rate Content access

We offer a convenient and affordable way to deliver high quality Video and Audio content across Africa

The Power of FreePass

Light speed at the edge, host live and stream high-quality video content distribution closer to your target consumers

A multimedia CDN For Africans

Creating and powering wealth, value, equality, access to education, and Telehealth

Connecting Africa one city at a time

Deliver seamlessly during major events and traffic spikes and access new markets across Africa

For You

Easy mobile subscription to access quality streaming on our platform

From easy existing subscription with FreePass combo to convenient zero-rate data access to top-quality streaming, or on-demand video content from your favorite multimedia content providers on the FreePass platform.

Enjoy Zero Rate data bundle

Zero Rate EduAccess

Get Live TeleHealth sessions with your favorite African doctors

For Business

Push multimedia (audio & video only) content to targeted African audiences

Break barriers and limitations to push digital content to targeted consumers and audiences with convenience - leverage the power of zero-rated PAN-African mobile access.

Streaming Media Hosting

APN Livestream

Host on-demand multimedia content

Mind blowing Features

Powering value, equality, access to education, and ending poverty by creating opportunities and jobs for Africa’s young and creative generation.

ZeroRate Educational Access

Conveniently make educational multimedia (video and audio) content accessible to both underserved and underprivileged to build a stronger and educated African next-generation.

ZeroRate Live Stream

Host your events online and get it delivered to your African audience’s mobile devices at zero-rate to them- entrench your multimedia content consumers, increase their life-time value.

ZeroRate OTT Hosting

Easily expanding reach of contents to remote and wider audience within Africa, especially for African OTT Providers.

Discover a better way to distribute multimedia content in Africa